About Dr. Lavonne

Consulting Therapist  |  Grand Rapids MI

Hello! I’m Dr. Lavonne

I’ve been a licensed psychologist for over 20 years and I currently have a private practice and consultation business in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

For most of my career my therapy work has been centered around helping women navigate the transitions of life. A growing segment of these women are therapists themselves.

About Dr Lavonne Zwart Shaafsma, Consulting Therapist - DoctorLavonne.com

I am passionate about empowering therapists to set up their own practices around their expertise and passions, as well as providing ongoing consultation so therapists can thrive in their work.

My Career Path

For the first half of my career, I worked at a college helping young adults navigate issues like depression and anxiety as they were forming their identity. After leaving the college setting, I worked for five years in an agency doing private practice.

Then just over five years ago, I started my own private practice.

I wanted more control over my schedule, more control over the colleagues I worked with, and complete control over my fees and finances.

In a word, I wanted freedom.

I can now truly say that I love every aspect of my job.

Over the past 20 years, I have gained knowledge and experience about starting my own practice and developing my own niche. This has provided me with the flexibility and control that earlier in my career I never thought possible.

I am now ready to guide other therapists toward this kind of freedom.

My Approach to Consultation

For the first half of my career, I worked at a college helping young adults navigate issues like depression and anxiety as they were forming their identity. After leaving the college setting, I worked for five years in an agency doing private practice.

Then just over five years ago, I started my own private practice.

I wanted more control over my schedule, more control over the colleagues I worked with, and complete control over my fees and finances.

In a word, I wanted freedom.

I can now truly say that I love every aspect of my job.

Over the past 20 years, I have gained knowledge and experience about starting my own practice and developing my own niche. This has provided me with the flexibility and control that earlier in my career I never thought possible.

I am now ready to guide other therapists toward this kind of freedom.

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